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Below you will find a list of stories set in the Metamor Keep universe. If you find a story that you really like, please take the time to drop the author a note and pass on your compliments. It means a lot and helps encourage them to do more.

Show stories by involving the story arc
Order: Chronological Alphabetical
Showing stories 151 through 200 of 616 total.
  1. Shadows of the Past, by Chris O'Kane (3,547 words)
  2. Lessons of Solitude, by Raven Blackmane (1,332 words)
  3. Last Rights, by Oren the Otter (1,601 words)
  4. Lethe, by Wanderer (234 words)
  5. Fleeing the Hound, by Ryx (3,955 words)
  6. Strange Horizons, by Galen Bayne-Allison (5,654 words)
  7. Of Fire and Water, by Coal Train (2,992 words. Added May 18, 2008)
  8. Sensate-ional, by Coal Train (2,641 words. Added Jun 29, 2008)
  9. Heavy Traffic, by Ryx (2,707 words)
  10. Casting the Circle, by Ryx (2,134 words)
  11. The Pebble and the King, by Ryx (4,607 words)
  12. Banishing a Friend, by Ryx (2,187 words)
  13. Must Be Summer, by Oren the Otter (272 words)
  14. The Three Sides of Truth, by Charles Matthias and Chris Hoekstra and Chris Hoekstra (14,285 words)
  15. Stacking the Odds and Unstaking the Towers, by Ryx (17,073 words)
  16. General Problems, by Ryx (4,984 words)
  17. Coming Home, by Ryx (4,478 words. Added Nov 9, 2018)
  18. Growth and Forgiveness, by Oren the Otter (5,649 words)
  19. Lawbreakers, by Charles Matthias (3,880 words)
  20. Roses and Thorns, by Chris Hoekstra (7,823 words)
  21. The Glen, by Ryx (5,251 words)
  22. Mending a Crack, by Ryx (3,061 words)
  23. A New Wardrobe, by Ryx (8,695 words)
  24. Casualties of War, by Chris Hoekstra (10,805 words)
  25. Remembrances, by Chris O'Kane (2,940 words)
  26. Cry Havoc, by Chris O'Kane (8,912 words)
  27. Cage, by Dan Fahl (454 words)
  28. Killing Time, by Charles Matthias (15,012 words)
  29. Arrival at Metamor Keep, by Ryx (4,507 words)
  30. Clearing the Courtyard, by Ryx (6,572 words)
  31. Offers of Allegiance, by Dan D'Alimonte (5,761 words)
  32. For I am Lost, by Wanderer (1,694 words)
  33. Meeting Metamor Keep, by Ryx (3,408 words)
  34. Seeking Absolution, by Ryx (5,358 words. Added Jul 25, 2010)
  35. Triumphant Return the Dogs of War, by Ryx (11,129 words)
  36. Oren's Trial, by Oren the Otter and Chris O'Kane and Chris Hoekstra (14,627 words)
  37. Natalie, by Oren the Otter (2,083 words)
  38. Legacies, by Charles Matthias (13,511 words)
  39. Dream's Aria: In the Shadow of a Nightmare Walks the Brightness of Love, by Ryx (4,082 words)
  40. Libraries, by Charles Matthias (14,723 words)
  41. Four-by-Four, by Chris O'Kane (2,312 words)
  42. Liturgy of Blood, by Charles Matthias (119,725 words)
  43. Penance and Retribution, by Oren the Otter (18,854 words)
  44. Coming of Age, by CarpenterAnt (3,198 words)
  45. Learning the Hard Way, by CarpenterAnt (2,744 words)
  46. An Inner Child, by CarpenterAnt (857 words)
  47. Rain Running, by David Ihnen (3,034 words)
  48. Arla, by David Ihnen (5,766 words)
  49. Amongst Green Boughs, by Galen Bayne-Allison (2,580 words)
  50. Longing, by Charles Matthias (4,948 words)
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