Submission Policy

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Want to submit your story to the Metamor Keep archives? Great! Just follow these simple steps.

First, post your story to the mailing list so community members can read it. No story is accepted without the general consensus of the community. List members will help you fine tune your story if it needs adjustments. You can always stop by our IRC channel or visit the forums for help too.

Once you get the okay and are done making all your edits, send the final version to dimensional42 -at- gmail -dot- com and I will take care of the rest! Accepted formats are plaintext (TXT), MS Word (DOC, DOCX), RTF, HTML, or you can just send the text in the email body. Please specify either the date in the MK timeline your story starts, or indicate where you would like your story to be placed in relation to the others chronologically. If your story is part of one or more story arcs, please also give me that information.

One important thing to note is to make sure you have clear scene break dividers of some sort in your final submission. You can use anything you want— hyphens, pound (#) signs, etc. The only thing that won't work is extra spaces.


Images should have a maximum rating of PG-13 and should be either created by, commissioned by, or drawn for you. When submitting images, please provide the title (or I'll just make something up), artist's name, and optionally a link to the artist's gallery or website, if available. Images can be sent to dimensional42 -at- gmail -dot- com for posting.


Like stories, Maps should be submitted to the community for approval first before sending them to the archives.

Looking forward to seeing your work archived!

- Virmir