Within the Temple

by Oren the Otter

Arik could not believe that he was actually here. He never thought he would actually get to see the Temple from the inside. When his own master had singled him out of the messengers to deliver a letter to Emperor Ku, his heart nearly leapt from his chest at the thrill of it.

As he approached the gate, a badger in gold armor approached Arik. "State your business." said the beast-man.

"I bring a letter from Frobel Kahn for Emperor Ku."

The badger seemed to take interest in that. "Frobel Kahn of the city of Rin Tanuki? The Emperor will be pleased to see you. Please, enter."

The badger opened a door, and behind it stood a tall rabbit in a monk's robe. "You bring a message for the emperor." said the rabbit, as a statement rather than a question. "Follow me, please."

The temple was as wondrous as Arik had heard. Paintings, sculptures, murals and tapestries decorated every wall. Beautiful trees stood in the middle of the main hall under stained glass skylights. The fascinating part was that not a single piece had been purchased with the taxes of Os-Var-Khai's people. These artworks were from the hands of the monks themselves.

Or should that be "paws of the monks"? As Arik looked about, he discovered that he was the only human present. All others were a mix of human and animal. A pig nodded in a cheerful "hello" as they walked past. A panther smiled while he watered plants. A salamander whistled a merry tune while he placed tiles in a floor mosaic.

"You like what you see here." noted the rabbit.

"I do." Arik agreed.

The two passed by a pool where much to Arik's surprise, a fish-man sprang out of the water, growing as he did. He grew to a height of six feet from seemingly nothing. Arik was astounded.

"This is Kori." said the rabbit. "He uses shrinking magic to explore worlds too small for the eye to see. Kori, meet Arik."

The boy raised an eyebrow even as he bowed and clasped the fish's webbed hand. "How did you know my name?"

The rabbit chuckled. "I forget my manners. I am Pao, advisor to the emperor, and prognosticator. I knew of your arrival because I interpereted the omens."

Arik bowed deeply. "Should I give my message to you, honorable advisor?"

"To me? I'm just a fortune teller. Your message is for the emperor, and it is to him you shall deliver it. Come."

Arik smiled. To meet the Emperor in person! He couldn't believe his good fortune!

The place where he actually met the potentate was not at all what he expected. In his mind's eye, he saw a throneroom of unmatched splendor, or perhaps an opulent office suite. What he got was a beautiful but humble garden. The roof overhead was of clear glass, and raised away from the walls to allow fresh air to enter freely. Emperor Ku hummed merrily as he carried a watering can around to water some of the thirstier folliage. Upon seeing Arik and Pao, he turned and smiled, flashing pointy teeth out of his fox muzzle. "Welcome." he said.

Pao stepped forward and whispered a few words to the Emperor. Arik, meanwhile, fell to the ground in reverence.

"You honor me more than I deserve. Please rise."

Arik shot to his feet. He stared for a moment at Emperor Ku, at his robes of gold and the fur which covered his gentle vulpine features, which seemed to be changing from red to orange even as he watched. From what he heard, he knew that Ku was a great and mighty man, and yet he stood there and smiled a friendly smile like any other person in the world. He thought of himself as just a man, and that made him all the greater in everyone's estimation, gaining him respect beyond all others.

"Your message!" Pao prompted with a whisper.

With a start, Arik reached into his vest and pulled out a roll of parchment, handing it to Ku with a bow.

Ku returned the bow and opened the scroll. "Have you read this?" he asked.

"No, honorable majesty."

"Please, just call me 'Ku'. I imagine you'll be curious to hear this."

Arik listened intently.

Most Honorable Emperor Ku of Os-Var-Khai,

It has been a recent privilege of mine to meet with several of the sea captains in my service and listen to the tales of their exploits. One such tale I believed to be of particular interest to yourself.

The Captain of the Seastar, a vessel which has ventured far to the west, brought to me the legend of a fortress on the far side of the continent bearing the name "Metamor Keep". It is an enchanted fortress under a powerful curse, apparently transforming its residents into half-human animals, much like yourselves who dwell in the Temple of the Creator of All Things.

Metamor Keep, I am also told, serves as a bastion of culture, with inhabitants devoted deeply to the arts, sciences and magics. It seemed only fitting that I pass this legend on to the fox-king.

Signed and sealed

Froebel Kahn

"This is most interesting news!" declared Pao. "Perhaps we have found an ally in our upcoming struggle."

"Struggle?" asked Arik, momentarily forgetting himself.

"Indeed. I will tell you what we know." Turning to Pao he said "Send to the master of Metamor Keep a gift of servants."

"Who shall we send?"

"Send the scientist Ye... and the mage, Mong Ho. Send also my personal servant Desuka."

Pao raised an eyebrow and rocked his ears. "Are you sure you want to send THOSE three? Are you sure you're not fobbing them off?"

"They're annoying, but they're good. Besides, travel will do them a world of good."

"As you wish." said Pao, bowing deeply and making his way toward the door.

"Now then." said Ku. "You wished to know of the struggles which we anticipate."

"I am very curious, My L... Ku."

"Follow me."

The fox Emperor, whose fur had turned yellow and was on it's way to green, led the boy into a room with an enormous but low vaulted ceiling. It was painted black, and was dotted with white specks. "This room is where our astronomers and astrologers chart the heavens."

"Fascinating... only..."

"You see mistakes?"


"Do not be embarrassed. They are not mistakes. They are changes in the heavens. Our astrologers believe that these changes portend great evil."

Arik waited.

"Assembling the pieces of knowledge they have gathered, our people have determined that an invasion is coming."

"An invasion?"

"From the sea, and from the east. A horde of conquerors in ships will come and attempt to plunder the Island of Khumar, including our beloved lands of Os-Var-Khai and even Rin Tanuki, your home."

"Then we must prepare!"

"We have been preparing. However, most of the other lands upon our island refuse to believe that anything is wrong. In fact, they have stood in the way of our preparations, refusing us food, arms, and most of all, alliance. Thus, we have been sending some of our numbers out into the world to call in those who would stand by our side.

"My Emporer?"

"Yes, Arik?"

"I would stand with you."

Ku smiled, flashing sharp canines from a face which was well on it's way to blue.

"I know. Pao learned of your coming. You are to play a key part in the battles to come."

"ME, Sir?"

"Aye. But first, you must begin your education in the ways of those who worship the Creator of All Things."

"Am I to be transformed like the others?" asked Arik, a tinge of excitement in his voice.

"That is the first step in the learning process. By taking on a new form, we see the world from a new perspective."

"I have always loved the playful otter." said Arik. "Can I be an otter?"

Ku chuckled. "The lessons which come with being an otter; courage, curiosity, friendliness... are ones which you seem to have already mastered. I think something similar, but vastly different would be better for you."

"Your M... Ku?"

Arik soon found himself sitting inside a magic circle being slowly transformed into a humanoid beaver. The transformation would take some time, and so he had been given some texts to study as he waited.

It was slow going. Arik was not accustomed to reading. However, he plodded through the texts and was learning a few things about science and magic.

A bell sounded. It startled Arik, causing him to jump to his feet. He padded to the door, stumbling on unfamiliar feet and smacking his legs with a huge flat tail. He'd not yet been given his robes, so he stood in the doorway, naked but for his fur, as a dozen animal-people ran past.

"What is going on?" the beaver asked.

"An alarm has been sounded." explained a peacock calmly. "We are going to take up positions to defend the temple. You need not come, as you are but an initiate."

Arik didn't listen, though. His first thought was to seek out the emperor and see to his safety.

He found Emperor Ku climbing the stairway at the center of the temple.

"Arik!" said Ku. "You should be seeking a sheltered place."

"I..." Arik stammered as he reddened beneath his fur. "I worried for you, my Emperor."

Ku smiled despite the urgency of the moment. "Come then." he said, motioning for the beaver to follow.

Up the stairs he trudged, following Ku's flowing purple tail and stubbing the oversized toes he was not yet used to more times than he cared for.

When they reached the top of the stairs, Ku and Arik stood before an enormous bronze gong and a long, serpentine white dragon.

"Chinso!" cried the emperor. "What news?"

"A fleet of ships coming over the horizon. Look."

Ku peered out the glassless window, Arik next to him. "They fly a flag with which I am not familiar.

"Arik squinted to see across the distance. "Their flags bear a black background. I know of only one meaning.


"No, my Em... Ku. Pirates find more use in subterfuge. The black flags I have heard of in a story told by those who have sailed to the East, about a horde of seaborne marauders... Ku, the predictions!

"Their course will take them directly to Rin Tanuki." reported Chinso the dragon.

"Froebel Kahn is one of those who would not heed our predictions. We must warn our neighbor. Chinso, you must fly there and tell them what we have seen."

"As you command."

"Let me go too!" Arik insisted. "If they have not listened to messengers from Var, perhaps they will listen to one of their own."

"Go, then." said the fox.

Picking Arik up with his tail, Chinso placed the beaver on his back.

Out the window the dragon flew, snaking through the air in a completely illogical method of wingless flight. Below, the prosperous city of Var sped past, followed by the sprawling streets of Khai Hon and the surrounding farmland. Beyond lay the port city of Rin Tanuki, where Chinso landed at the Kahn's palace.

"What is the meaning of this intrusion?" demanded one of the palace guards.

"We bring a warning!" cried Chinso.

Immediately, the Kahn stepped out of his home and repeated "What is the meaning of this?"

"A horde of seaborne marauders is on it's way here. They intend to devastate and plunder Khumar, and Rin Tanuki is their first target."

The fat Kahn sneered. "I've listened to the stories that have come out of the temple, and that's all they are. Stories."

"But my Kahn!" said Arik, bowing deeply. "I have seen the ships with my own eyes!"

"And who are you?"

"I am Arik, the messenger you sent to the Temple of the Creator."

The portly ruler eyed Arik up and down. "You are not Arik. Arik is human. Arik also wore clothing.

The beaver looked down, realizing that he was still quite naked. "It is I, my Kahn. I have joined the service of Emperor Ku. It was he who sent us to warn you of this danger."

"Look to the sea if you doubt our report." said Chinso.

Froebel Kahn did just that, dragging his fat form across the courtyard until he reached a point where he could view the ocean. His eyes fell upon a fleet of ships too innumerable to take in all at once. "What on Earth?"

At once, he saw people diving off of the edges of those ships, swimming for shore. "The Upper Emperor save us!" whispered the Kahn as his pudgy face turned white. "TO ARMS! TO ARMS!"

A battalion of the Kahn's finest made their way to the beaches to cut the invaders down as they reached the shore. They were well trained men, ready for anything.

They never stood a chance.

The invaders, even when exhausted from their swim, fought with a fierceness which was inhuman. The warriors of the Kahn were mowed down in seconds.

The horde advanced from the beaches to the city, mowing down everything in their path, killing everyone without remorse. Men, women, children, animals... all were slain.

The Kahn ran. He tried to hide in his palace, but it proved to be of no avail. The horde mowed down the palace guards and captured the Kahn. They did not kill him, but brought him down to the strand rather forcefully. There, a figure emerged from one of the largest ships and strode majestically across the surface of the water as if it were dry ground. He was dressed in armor that was totally black, so black that it mocked the light and refused to reflect even a glimmer. Behind him flowed a cloak which billowed like the wing of a bird of prey. Looking upon the fat Kahn, he removed his helmet and sneered in pleasure.

So you are the king of this land?


He kicked the Kahn in the mouth. "Do not speak." he said casually. "For you are but an insect and insects do not speak. Before I kill you in a slow and most exquisite way, I wish for you to know who it is who has destroyed you. Look upon my face."

Froebel Kahn did as he was told. The face of his tormentor was at once beautiful and sickening. There was no flesh upon the face. None at all. There was only a polished skull, decorated with intricate paintings and runes.

"I am warlord Aqualo, servant of the mighty man-god Qor."

At the mention of the name, the horde fell to their knees in fear.

"I am what your people would call a lich. A wielder of magic so powerful that death means nothing to me any more."

Kahn began to tremble.

"Your soul is going to be fodder for... eh?"

A blur came streaking out of the sun. "BANZAI!" was heard as a streak of brown fur collided with the undead warlord, sending him tumbling backwards into the water. At the same time, Chinso took advantage of the confusion this created to grab the Kahn and fly away.

"Kill that thing!" demanded Aqualo as he magically commanded patches of water to explode. Arik was not harmed, however. Using his beaver body, he was already swimming underwater through the mouth of the river which would lead him back to the city of Var.

"They killed everyone and everything." reported Arik to the Emperor. "We were only able to save the Kahn."

Ku nodded sadly, as if his head were weighted by a hundred thousand deaths. "The Kahn has repented of his stubbornness. He is now undergoing the rite of initiation, being transformed into a raccoon that he might learn resourcefulness and meekness. He may still prove to be of some value."

Arik only nodded.

"There is little time. The Qor horde will quickly advance. We must unite the surrounding cities in self defense, and we must bring in allies from wherever they may be found."

"If I may offer my services," said the beaver. "I am fleet, and possess a sharp eye. Allow me to venture out and seek out allies to stand with us."

"But you are young and in..."

"Master, I beg you. I know I can do this, and time is precious. I must."

"Very well. Chinso?"

The dragon inclined his cat-like head. "Ku?"

"You are the fastest dragon in the empire. I want you to accompany Arik on his quest."

"It would be my privilege."

The Emperor gave Arik a piece of paper. "Recite these words while you are in flight. It is a luck spell which will guide your flight toward the allies you seek. Use it carefully, as it will only work once a day."

"I shall."

He then gave Arik a medallion. "This will allow you and any you bring with you to return freely to the empire."

"My Lord?"

"Our mages are working around the clock now..."

"You lazy humans!" screamed Aqualo. "I'll send your souls to the darkest hell if you do not advance!"

Screaming in fear, the horde clawed and pushed against an enormous invisible wall, but could make no progress against it.

"Oh, stop." said the lich at last. "It seems that these people possess more powerful magic than I have anticipated. Very well then. There are other cities on this island which we may conquor. While we make headway, their resolve will weaken until their shield may be penetrated. Even if it did not, they can not stand against the combined onslaughts of myself and the others who follow. Os-Var-Khai will fall to the glorious Qor."