The Privilege of Serving

by Oren the Otter

chapter 1

The sky was painted in streaks of orange and gold as the sun rose above the hills and the trees in the east to cast its light on the jewel of the midlands. Majestically, the silhouette of the wondrous and mighty Metamor Keep emerged from the surrounding landscape, her towers and minarets reaching toward the heavens like a slumberer waking and stretching in anticipation of the wonders of the day. Inch by inch the walls, buttresses, eaves and walkways, balconies and rooftops of fabulous Metamor cast off the robe of night and revealed their beauty to the world below. In the meadows and fields, brightly colored festival tents rose from the shadows one by one like handmaidens attending a queen. In the distance, a single cylindrical tower stood by the Keep and her boisterously arrayed grounds like a loyal bodyguard.

The sight was truly awesome, and the splendor of it was far from lost upon the visitors from the east.

Three of them stood in the valley, momentarily lost in the wonder of the moment, before proceeding towards the keep.

While Metamor was a place that could boast no end of diversity in her peoples, not only in their physical forms but in their backgrounds and cultures as well, these three seemed almost out of place. Their long magenta robes with strange markings, the ornate gold and silver boxes they bore in their arms, the slant of their eyes and the style of their hair marked them as people from a distant land. Their overall forms, however, would cause most people to overlook these things and assume that this land was their home, for their bodies featured the characteristics of a panda, a lizard, and a rooster.

They earned fascinated stares from the local keepers, who smiled warmly even as they probed with eager eyes to learn more about these strangers.

The keep lost none of its grandeur nor subtle beauty as the visitors drew near. Rather, it seemed to shine with an inner radiance like a living being, telling all who looked upon it of a glorious pride and a joy of being that seemed infectious.

As they approached the main gate, a boy, appearing no more than ten, stepped into the entryway to meet them. He wore the uniform of one of Metamor's guards, complete with weaponry, although he seemed to sense no need to use it. "Good morning, Sirs." he said politely.

The three foreign men exchanged glances. When they'd reached a silent accord, the Panda stepped forward to return the greeting. He bowed low at the waist, almost doubling over. The boy did the same, bowing as far as his balance would allow. This seemed to please the panda.

"My name is Desuka." said the procyonid in a thick oriental accent. "My companions and I have traveled many leagues to seek an audience with the overseer of this fine city, on behalf our beloved Emperor."

"A diplomatic envoy?" piped the youth. "Duke Hassan will be most pleased. Yes, most pleased indeed! I shall send word of your arrival at once!" Running like a child just released from school, the guard opened the gate and called forth two of his compatriots, one of which he sent to the Duke with the good news of the envoy's arrival. The other would have the honor of escorting the visitors through the keep.

The panda, the lizard and the rooster could not keep the expressions of wonderment off of their faces. It stood to reason that Metamor Keep was inhabited, yet from the outside it had seemed like a showcase. To actually see people living within the walls, preserving the same, rustic, simplistic splendor which shone from without was something that almost hadn't even occurred to them.

How ironic, therefore, that it felt so much like home.

Surely the man who ruled over this place must be a wondrous man indeed.

Thomas sat up slowly in his oversized bed and yawned, noticing as he did that he had a horrible case of morning mouth. One eye drooped blearily as he stared across the room, trying to weigh the responsibilities of his noble position against the desire to lie down and go back to sleep. Eventually, his sense of duty won out, and the horse-man clopped across his bedchamber to the dresser. Observing in the mirror his tousseled mane, purple-rimmed eyes, and a touch of drool which remained on the side of his muzzle, Duke Hassan sneered at himself and chided himself with the phrase "You look like manure."

After putting on a worn bathrobe, the Duke stuck his head out the door of his personal chamber and said to the nearest person "Somebody... anybody... I need tea. EXTRA strong."

Even as he was about to pull his head back in, a familiar alligator came up to him and announced "Excellent news, your Grace. A diplomatic envoy from the land of Os-Var-Khai arrived at the keep only moments ago and seeks an audience with you."

Thomas stared blearily ahead for a few seconds before the news sunk in. "No kidding?" he whispered to himself. "Two envoys within such a short span of days! This can only be the best of omens. Thalberg, make them comfortable, and make the usual arrangements for a formal reception.">>

"Very good, your Grace."

Thomas was glad to have such competent people working for him. His mind was much too foggy from sleep to go into details at the moment, and so he was only too happy to leave that to his staff.

One thing, though, did come to his mind. "Lets make sure that our side of the world is well represented in welcoming these visitors." he said. "Make sure that as many different lands and cultures as possible are in attendance today."

"As you wish."

Oren floated on the surface of his tub, his chocolate brown fur glistening as the morning sun shone through the window on him, warming his wet body. His tail slowly moved back and forth as his claws tapped pensively on the stone vessel in which he swam. He stared at his companion, Gornul, the little blue dragonette, who sat upon the large wooden desk at the opposite end of the room with a quill pen clutched firmly in his paw. Gornul stared fixedly back at the otter-man, waiting patiently.

"Okay, I have it." said Oren. "Fort Kwunko was a cold place if you were a native. If you were the daughter of two caucasian missionaries from the south, it could be downright inhospitable. If you were a creature designed for the steamy warmth of the tropical rainforest, it could be absolutely maddening."

Eagerly, Gornul penned the words which Oren spoke. His penmanship was not the best, and his spelling was atrocious, but it would do for a rough draft, and it was good experience. The people here did not speak in pictures, and so he would need to master the art of language. Eventually, he hoped to be able to write his own works, and Oren was more than willing to help him achieve his goal.

The otter was just about to begin describing his story's main character when a knock sounded at the door. He climbed out of the tub and padded across the tiny office space, being careful not to drip on anything soluble. Opening the front door, he saw a hummingbird morph in a bright scarlet tunic. He recognized him as Kee's new helper.

"Hello D'art." said Oren.

D'art stood speechless for a moment as he eyed the otter, who stood there at the door, completely naked. "Um... should I run around the block while you get dressed?"

Oren looked down at himself. His furry form was very attractively firmed after the weeks spent energetically hauling rocks around, and the male equipment of his musteline body was pretty much invisible. Without a trace of modesty, he looked back up at the hummingbird and asked "Why?"

The bird shrugged and regained his composure. "I bring a message from the Duke." he said as he handed the otter a rolled- up piece of parchment.

"Come in, please." said Oren as he unrolled the scroll. If you have time, I'd like you to take a message to Habakkuk for me."

"Will do." said the hummingbird as he scanned the apartment curiously. He seemed to fly even though he stood on two feet, hovering for a moment at the fish tank, then the stove, then Gornul's hutch, then the corner table where the scriptures lay open.

Smiling at the youthful energy of the hyperactive D'art, Oren unrolled the scroll and read:

Oren of Hipocc,

Duke Thomas Hassan humbly requests your presence as a representative of your homeland in welcoming foreign dignitaries to Metamor Keep.

The place and time was written at the bottom, and it was signed by Thalberg and stamped with the ducal seal.

"I've been invited to a..." Oren paused. He had no idea what to call it. Since Hipocc never received dignitaries, they never needed to use one. "...Um... ceremony.

Gornul fluttered over to Oren's shoulder and alighted there. Oren jerked and laughed as his friend's claws tickled him. The dragon produced a mental image of the two of them in the Duke's court.

"I'm sorry, Gornul. This is only addressed to me."

"It is?" asked D'art. "Wait a minute." He reached up and rubbed his feathered finger over the paper, seemingly separating it in two. An identical letter appeared from behind the first, save for the fact that it was headed "Gornul of the Islands of the Dragonettes"

The little blue reptile hopped up and down in delight, tickling Oren's shoulder even more.

"I'm not going to need to send Channing a message after all." said Oren. "Thank you, D'art."

The messenger nodded politely, his long beak slicing the air like a swordsman saluting with his rapier. Seeing himself to the door, he took off running.

Oren marveled after the bird, wondering how any one person could have so much energy.

Turning back into his home, the Hipoccian said "This is a very special occasion. I shall have to wear pants!"

Duke Hassan stood at the head of the room, arrayed in his finest purple and white silks. Around him were gathered an enormous variety of people. >From the local area, Garigan was present on behalf of Glen Avery, and Macaban had taken a recess from his duties to be here on Lorland's behalf. From more distant lands were Sean from Magdalaine Island, David from Aristarxia, and of course, the Duke's good friend Phil was there on behalf of Whales. These were only a few of the many people who were there to greet the visitors on behalf of their particular corner of the globe. Even the newly arrived Yonson was there as the ambassador from Marzac.

Though everyone made an attempt to act respectfully subdued, there was a great deal of excited whispering.

"I hear they're from across the sea." said Lady Kimberly, who was in attendance on behalf of Brathas. "I wonder what wonders they've brought with them."

"I'd like to see that, myself." Oren whispered back. Looking around, he asked her "Is your boyfriend here? I assumed Charles would be here on behalf of his homeland."

"So did I."

He paused and blinked. "Where is he from, anyway?"

Kimberly's whiskers twitched thoughtfully. "You know, I don't believe he's ever told me."

The murmurs running through the room hushed as one door opened slightly, admitting Thalberg. "Presenting the emissaries of Emperor Ku, ruler of the united cities of Os-Var-Khai." When the doors opened, all heads turned to see three figures in floor length magenta robes glide into the room. Each one carried an ornately decorated gold and silver box. When they reached the place where Duke Hassan awaited, they bowed low and set their boxes on the floor.

Duke Thomas returned the bow and smiled warmly, "Wel..."

"All bow for the Emperor of Os-Var-Khai!" insisted the rooster in a loud, low voice. This certainly caught everyone by surprise, not the least of which was the Duke. Were they to meet the Emperor himself?

The rooster and the lizard bowed again as the panda opened the lid to his box. A bright light shone within, and within an instant, a fox in gold robes materialized out of thin air.

The assembled crowd gasped in surprise. Thomas, to his credit, did not flinch, but he did stare for a moment at the scarlet fox, realizing after a moment that he could actually see through the man. Apparently, he was not even here, but projecting his image from afar. The fox smiled warmly and said "I bid you a pleasant evening, Thomas Hassan, Duke of Metamor Keep. I am Emperor Ku, and I am most honored to meet you at last." He bowed just slightly, in a gesture fitting an Emperor. Thomas made a thorough show of bowing respectfully. "I bid you welcome to Metamor Keep, Emperor Ku."

The fox chuckled. "Would that I were here. I remain ensconced within my chambers here in Os-Var-Khai. What you see is a magically created projection."

"Across so many miles?"

"Quite so. He turned to the crowd and smiled proudly. "Our practitioners of magic have made some significant advances in the mystic arts. This is only one of the benefits of their studies."


"Ah, yes. I am most proud to say that my people are devoted to learning from the nature of the universe, in magic, in the sciences, but also in the animal kingdom."

Many ears turned at that.

All of those who are dedicated to learning and to the service of Os-Var-Khai undergo a very special rite." explained the Emperor. "We take on the forms and natures of animals so that we may learn from other species. Thus, my entire..." He hesitated, seeming to search for a word. "palace... is filled with beings like myself and the three before you."

Thomas stood patiently, allowing the Emperor to explain. If he felt any discomfort at speaking with a man who was not there, he didn't show it.

"When word reached our land of a fortress in the west so amazingly similar to our own home, it seemed inconceivable that we should not open diplomatic relations between our two peoples."

"Indeed a worthwhile pursuit." Thomas agreed, his tail swaying slightly.

"And so as a gesture of friendship, I offer to you these three gifts."

Thomas' gaze fell to the ornate metal boxes.

The Emperor laughed. "Not the boxes, dear Duke. These are but tools which help to bring my image to you. I refer rather to the men themselves."

At this, Thomas' face could no longer remain impassive. "You're giving me people as gifts?" he breathed, his upper lip curling and his ears flattening in an expression of revulsion which he was unable to contain.

The onlookers likewise reacted strongly, and a murmur filled the room, mixing expressions of distaste with those regretful understanding.

"Do not be alarmed. I sense that forced labor is not something of which you approve." said the transparent fox, seeming to shift colors slightly. "It is the same in Os-Var- Khai. There is no forced labor here."

The Duke's brows knitted in confusion as he shifted nervously in place.

"All three of these men have entered into a life of servitude freely and of their own accord. Allow me to introduce them."

The panda stepped forward and looked Duke Hassan in the eye. He was slim and athletic, despite his species. Even with his fur and muzzle, he looked very much human, his eyes being bright and intelligent, and his black human hair tied purposefully into a topknot. He gave a short, ceremonial bow before reaching into his robe to produce a garment of purple silk. The panda opened it up into a flowing robe and draped it over the Duke's shoulders.

"This is Wasoko Desuka. He comes from a very long and prestigious line of personal servants, and is an expert in matters of diplomacy and protocol."

As Desuka stepped back, the rooster on his left stepped forward. While his eyes were more animal than the panda's, the corners of his beak were soft and able to turn up an a friendly smile. He was definitely bulky, even for a chicken. One might even call him portly, though his appearance was exceptionally neat. Several long feathers extended from the back of his head, and had been braided into a pony-tail which extended almost to his knees. After bowing, he held out a wing-like hand. With a loud POP! And a puff of smoke, he produced an ornate gold ring, which he then placed on the Duke's finger.

"This is Mong Ho." said the Emperor. "He has dedicated himself to the study and furthering of the magic arts, and will serve you well as a mage." He then smiled and added in a stage whisper "Better be careful, though. He has a tendency to get cranky."

"Your Excellency!" exclaimed Mong Ho, placing his hand on his chest and demonstrating mock indignance, gaining a chuckle from the gallery. He then returned politely to his former position.

Thomas was noticing now that the Emperor's fur had shifted from red to silver and now seemed to be on it's way to black. He wondered if it was an illusion caused by the magical transmission, but an observation of the man's robes showed otherwise.

"This is Ye." said the Emperor. "In case you are wondering, his form is that of the wingless dragons of Komodo."

The dragon stepped forward and bowed impossibly low, his tail balancing his body. When he rose, he gazed at his new master with a serenity that seemed to flow like mist and fill all those who looked upon him. He reached within his robe and produced a small leather-bound book. On the cover were the words "Passages of knowledge and wisdom" etched in a fairly decent approximation of the English alphabet.

Ye is a lifetime student of philosophy and the sciences. His expertise in chemistry and engineering are most enviable."

Finally, Ye resumed his position and the Emperor turned to face the Duke. "I am confident that each of these men will serve you well." he said with a gleeful smile.

"I am deeply honored that you have sent them to me." said the Duke, his ears circling agitatedly. "I appreciate your gesture of friendship and will most certainly reciprocate, but I simply cannot accept them."

The fox's face fell.

Thomas reddened visibly under his coat. "I'm truly sorry, but in our country, slavery... it's just not done! You must understand that we hold the rights and freedoms of the individual sacred."

"Let it be as you wish." said the Emperor, his voice hushed in an expression of regret. "I will not force you to do otherwise. However, I do not envy you the time you will have with these three until we speak again." With that, the gold robed phantasm flickered and disappeared.

Three very angry foreigners now stood before the Duke.

Desuka stepped forward again, his face as hard as stone, eyes narrowed and lips taut. "We have traveled many, many leagues over land and sea to come to Metamor Keep and enter your service. We have left home and land and possessions for this purpose." By now his voice had risen in volume as he competed with Mong Ho's foreign swearing. "Yet you dismiss us without even so much as asking us if it is what we want?"

"Who you think you ah?" demanded the rooster. "You big western king no got no use for poor eastern servants just say no thank you sir I don't want them take them back!"

Ye opened his outer robe and reached underneath. Without a word, he produced an enormous knife. Instantly, guards leapt into place to protect the Duke. Several other keepers prepared to defend their liege as well. Oren, quick as lightning, had pulled the curtain rod from a tapestry to use as a staff. Ye, however, pointed the knife at his own belly and sank to his knees, calmly and ceremoniously preparing to impale himself for the sake of honor.

"ALL RIGHT!" shouted Thomas, eyes rimmed with white. "All right! You win! You can stay!" Desuka, Mong Ho and Ye returned to their dignified stances and nodded at one another in unison.

The audience, by this time, was sounding like a herd of barnyard animals shouting in alarm. Any attempt to restore order would have been futile at this point.

Thomas put a hoof-like hand to his forehead. This arrangement was going to be trying.

Oren put his hand to his head. It had never occurred to him before, but he was embarrassed now to realize that he knew absolutely nothing about Os-Var-Khai.

Setting down on a railing outside the Duke's palace, Oren pondered what he should do. This was only one of many areas in which his knowledge was severely lacking.

He was beginning to see that the education he'd received in his homeland, while excellent for one dwelling in that unique location, left gaping holes when applied to the rest of the world.

Gornul perched by the otter's side and gazed up with concern in his eyes.

"I need to find someone to teach me all about the wide world." said Oren as he rubbed the dragon between the horns. "But whom?"

A picture of a rabbit appeared in his mind's eye.

"That sounds like a good idea." he agreed. "Phil's a smart fellow, and he's seen so much of the world. Perhaps he'd be willing to tutor me." Extending his arm for Gornul to ride on, Oren strode off to find the rabbit.

chapter 2

Oren decided to wait until the next day to speak with Phil. He went home and had a quiet night reading the backlog of "In Real Life", a series of stories set in the future where friends talk to each other through magic boxes without ever seeing one another. It was quiet, since Gornul was still out showing his father about the keep, and most likely would not be home for some time.

Finishing the last story of the evening, he downed a small bowl of leftover anchovies and went to bed, saying his prayers silently. He nodded off to sleep and began to dream...

Oren found himself standing in the middle of a large green lawn, with headstones as far as the eye could see. The stones, ranging in color from obsidian to raincloud gray, marred the serenity of the otherwise tranquil meadow. It was quiet here. Not even the rustle of a faint breeze could be heard.

Then there was the sound of laughter. The otter turned around to see several of his friends there. In a sunlit glade where the grave-markers had not yet invaded, Charles and Kimberly sat on a picnic blanket sharing a piece of cake. Phil merrily chased butterflies through the heather. Duke Hassan gazed at the clouds while occasionally munching on fistfuls of grass. Sir Saulius chased Gornul around playfully, waving a padded stick like a sword. Dana was there, climbing a tree and singing a song in her foreign tongue.

Oren turned his attention back to the cemetery. Where there had been only gravestones, there now stood several dozen men in bright white shirts and pants, blue vests and red capes. His heart leapt at this sight. These were the warriors of Hipocc with whom he had once served. He took up his staff and went to join them.

Only one of the warriors turned to even look at him. It was Roger, a rather snobbish boy with whom he'd never really gotten along. The lad had a vacant look, as if he could see through Oren, and he seemed to address some point several miles in the distance. "You don't belong here." said Roger.

"What?" replied Oren. "But I'm one of you."

"You are the culmination."

"Culmination? What are you talking about?"

"You belong with them." said Roger, pointing to where the keepers were relaxing and playing in the afternoon sun.


"It is not yet time for you to join us." said the warrior. "You must carry on the work which we began." He then turned away and began slowly walking toward a staircase, which appeared as though it had always been there. The staircase glowed with a hazy white light, and at that point, Oren understood.

"Wait!" he shouted. "Where is my father? I must speak to him before he leaves into Yahweh's presence."

"Your father is not here." said Roger.

"What? But he died defending the assembly house. Surely he must be among you!"

"He is not here. Go and be with your people."

"But you ARE my people!"

"No. We have passed through death. Your people are the living. Go with them, and do not be afraid."

Sadly, Oren turned to obey. When he looked back, however, the keepers were nowhere to be found. He ran forward and over a hill, only to find himself entering a charred and barren landscape. He wondered for a moment what could have happened here, but he was distracted from the thought by the sound of a woman's voice calling his name. He whirled around to see a beautiful lady cruelly chained to a post. While she writhed within her shackles, trying to free herself, a great black dragon, so black that it seemed to be made out of darkness, towered over her in preparation to kill and consume her. Oren ran to the woman's side and readied himself for combat, hoping against all odds that he could destroy such a creature with a mere staff.

"No!" said the woman. "You can't kill the beast here."

"What do you mean?"

"It has left it's soul behind in it's lair. You must go there to destroy it!"

"But how?"

"Take the knife from my boot."

Oren bent down and retrieved a jeweled dagger, whose hilt was fancifully carved with images of dragons, rats, rabbits and kangaroos. He looked up for a moment, and when he looked back, the dagger had been replaced by a candle.

He kissed the woman on the lips and told her "I love you, Metamora." before darting around the creature into it's den.

He found the beast's soul there, a hideous thing which radiated cold and darkness. Before it, however, stood a crazed looking man with quill and parchment.

"Rat of might and hare of white!" raved the madman. "Hair of white and fat old knight. No place for you, childlike warrior! No room! No room! And now, you feed the beast!"

Oren felt the presence of evil behind him and spun around, only to see the terrible black jaws bearing down...

Oren woke up screaming. It took him a moment to realize that he was safely within his own bed once again.

He trembled through his sweat as he pondered his dream. "What does it mean?" he demanded of the air. "What does it MEAN?"

Duke Thomas woke suddenly to the sound of his curtains being drawn back and the awful sensation of the light of the rising sun hitting him full in the face. "Good morning, Hassan-san." said Desuka as he flipped back the covers off of his new master.

The Duke quickly flipped them back. "Don't do that!" he ordered. "I sleep naked."

"I am aware of that, Hassan-san. I took the liberty of dressing you in appropriate sleeping clothes as you slumbered."

Ears laid back, Thomas sat up and uncovered himself again, discovering as he did, a set of silken pajamas.

"How on Earth did you...?"

The door opened, and Thomas reflexively put the covers back over himself despite his unexpected decency. In walked Ye with a tray full of... something.

"Breakfast, your Gracious." said the komodo.

"That's 'Grace'." muttered Desuka as he covertly swatted his countryman.

"What is it?" asked the duke. "Oats? Apples?"

"Sushi." exclaimed Ye, uncovering a plate of raw fish and squid. The hose's cheeks puffed out.

"Also, a steaming bowl of rice..."

"That rice is orange."

"Yes, your Graceful. I have treated it with my own personal vitamin formula.

Thomas suppressed a gag at what smelled like cod liver.

"And lastly, a wonderful cup of invigorating hot tea."

Ah! Tea! Tea was good! Thomas picked up the cup and put it gingerly to his lips. "GACK! This is full of salt!"

"But of course. Large creatures such as yourself need their salt."

"Not in my morning tea!"

At that point, Mong Ho came into the room, uninvited like the others. He took one look out the window and proclaimed "It too bright here. He made a few hand gestures and a raincloud appeared outside the window, obscuring the sun. The duke went to the window and peered downward, to see one of the palace guards look up in befuddlement, even as he attempted to keep dry by pulling a handkerchief over his head. Thomas pointed down below and began to speak, only to have Mong Ho cut him off by saying "It too hot. Needs be cold. He snapped his fingers in three magically appropriate locations and summoned up a snowstorm.

Ye placed his hands on his hips and glaring, said "Mong Ho, you'll make the rice cold!"

"People, please..."

Desuka strode over to ye and eyed him angrily. "You do not complain about your fellowservants in the hearing of the Duke."

Thomas pranced in place, patting himself for warmth. "But Desuka, you just..."

"Who decorate this room?" asked Mong Ho.

"Well, I had Thal..."

"It all wrong for Fang Shui! Bed needs be there, inner wall! Table never must face west! Colors too dark on ceiling! It all wrong!"

Thomas slipped out the door while the others were still arguing and complaining.

When Oren awoke again that morning, he felt curiously refreshed. His body, at least, felt that way. His mind was still reeling from the nightmare he'd experienced the night before.

He opened his eyes to see Gornul lying next to him in the bed. When he shifted, the dragon lifted his head and smiled at him with sleepy eyes before yawning a big, contagious yawn.

"Where's your pop?" Asked the otter.

Gornul projected an image of Mitok passed out cold in the orno.

Oren nodded as he rose and dressed.

Gornul felt a rumble and projected an image of an empty stomach.

Oren jumped back, throwing his arms up over his face. "GREEE! GREEE!" he cried.

Gornul squeaked and looked baffled.

Oren stood against the wall, trembling. "Gornul?"


"Never CHUP ever use that picture again, please."

The dragon held his fingers up in the sign for a promise.

Both of them looked in on Mitok. The old dragon hadn't even stirred.

"I assume that meant that you're hungry? No prob. Let's get some breakfast."

Oren snatched a fish from the fish tank and threw it on to the stove, it's mouth-watering aroma quickly filling the small house. Oren flipped the fish to the over side to cook it evenly as Gornul carried plates to the table.

Finally, the fish was ready and Oren carried it to the table, cutting it in half. Oren put some on his plate and the rest on Gornul's plate. They ate hungrily, savoring the taste of the delicious fish. When they where finished, Oren took the plates and placed them in the sink to be washed on a later date, he then picked Gornul up and placed him on his shoulder and walked out the door, ready for the day.

After making his way to the rabbit's home, Oren knocked gently on Phil's door. He was greeted by a rather large gorilla in a valet's uniform. This was Rupert, he remembered, the hero of the battle of Lorland.

Rupert ushered the duet inside with a wave of his massive hand.

Phil sat at his desk, apparently jotting down notes from an oversized book. Oren cleared his throat to announce his presence, causing Phil to jump slightly. The rabbit put down his mouth-pen and hurriedly closed the book, saying "Oren! Gornul! Hello! What can I do for you?"

The otter paused, wondering if he was intruding on something. He glanced at the cover of the book: "Fire Spells, by Ignacious Layette". Figuring that Phil would have shared the topic of his reading were he so inclined, Oren ignored the book and answered the question. "I was wondering if you could do something for me." he said.

"Yes? What is it?"

"I need an education, Phil."

The rabbit stared for a moment, seeming to consider. In the silence, Oren continued. "I don't know a thing about the world outside my hometown. No history, no geography... I find that half the time, I can't even understand what people are saying because your northern accents are so strange."

"And you want me to teach you?"

"Well, yes. I figure you're a smart, knowledgeable man... er, rabbit."

Phil gave a small sigh. "I would like that, Oren. I really would. Unfortunately, between my increased workload at the writers' guild and certain other responsibilities, I'm afraid I really haven't the time."

"Oh." was all that Oren said in answer. His face, on the other hand, was far more expressive, and his disappointed pout reached something in the rabbit's soft heart.

"I'm sorry." said Phil. "But when you do find someone to teach you, I'll be glad to help you in your studies whenever the hours present themselves."

Oren smiled. "Thanks, Phil." He turned to go and noticed an absence at his shoulder. Gornul had left the office area and was chatting away with Rupert in a pictorial/gestural conversation about the glories of being a mute but capable sidekick. Oren was tempted to leave him there where he seemed to be enjoying himself, but knew that Gornul would have been disappointed at being left. He whistled for the dragon, who said his goodbyes to the gorilla and lighted on the otter's shoulder. Oren saluted the ape, who showed him out the door with a bow and a smile.

Thomas made his way quickly out of the throneroom while Mong Ho called after him. "Your Grace, you no let me finish haircut spell!"

"Sorry!" Hassan replied brusquely. "Can't wait." He ran his hand in exasperation over the remnants of his tattered mane, wondering just how much more damage the rooster intended to inflict.

"Why for you walk out when I not finish?" the irritable bird demanded.

Thomas spun around and said "Mong Ho, I have to go!"

"Go where? Oh... you have to GO. I understand." The oriental returned to the throneroom and announced "It is okay! Duke is on way to outhouse!"

Thomas pawed the air and whinnied in aggravation before continuing on to his personal "stall". The moment he entered, he was assaulted by an unfamiliar smell. The usual fragrant herbs and flowers which kept this compartment fresh until the dung beetles could muck it out had been replaced with pungent candles which smelled like some horrid combination of beeswax and camel fat. "Good grief." he said aloud. "Is there no place I can go to be free of these three?" He thought for a moment about contacting the emperor and pleading with him to make them stop, but to do so would have required the presence of one of the three. He'd have to insult them in front of their faces. That plan was out. Finishing his business, he called for Thalberg. There was only one thing he could do for now, and he needed the steward's help.

Charles Matthias didn't usually visit the basements in the middle of the day, but today, he thought that an exception might be in order. It was the first day after the festival, and a good time to see how his fellow rats were getting along since the end of the festivities. Hector Philips was one he especially was interested in. He wanted to see whether the sculptor was continuing to enjoy his newly re-established skill.

He'd expected to see one or two of the other rats gathered together, but not the lot of them, and especially not gathered around a sizeable otter and a small blue dragon.

"Charles! Hello!" beamed Oren. "Just the rat I was looking for."

"I'm usually upstairs." explained the rat.

"So my new friends have told me. I wonder if I might speak with you for a moment?"

Charles was surprised, still. Most of the other rats tended to hide from the world above. As a group, they did not tend to make friends easily. What could it be that made them comfortable with the otter? He'd have to look into it. "Sure." he replied. "Do we need to go someplace private?"

"Not really." Oren answered. Nonetheless, the rats were politely filtering away to their own respective businesses.

"What's on your mind?"

"Charles, I need a teacher."

"In what?"

"In the world outside Hipocc. I'm as ignorant as a child." He felt a tiny reptilian hand pat him on the head as he spoke this.

Charles paused. "And you want me to teach you?"

"If you don't mind."

"But why me?"

"Because you're smart. You know things."

Charles smiled and looked at his feet, his whiskers twitching. "As undeserved as your praise is, I would be happy to help you."




"My life is so busy right now that I have to give some things up. I'm not even part of the writers' guild right now. Not since... well, not since other matters have taken priority."

"I see."

"I'll be happy to help you in your studies if I can, but I just can't be a full time teacher, even if I were qualified to be one."

"I understand." said the otter, this time managing to suppress his disappointment a little better. "Thanks anyway."

Gornul flashed an image of himself on the rat's shoulder. This made Oren smile. He was glad to see the friendship forming between the rat and the dragon. "If he doesn't mind." he answered.

"I don't mind. You can help me run some errands."

Gornul flitted from one shoulder to the other and waved goodbye to Oren for a little while.

"Where is he?" Desuka demanded, his eyes wide with worry.

"Where is whom?" Thalberg responded calmly and with a hint of disapproval at the panda's emotion.

"Where is Duke? We cannot find his Grace anywhere!"

Thalberg smiled, which was easy, being an alligator. "Desuka, calm yourself. He just..."

Ye calmly walked in the room and calmly proceeded to panic. "We have lost track of our charge." he stated calmly. "We are poor servants and have brought dishonor upon ourselves."

"Don't you even think of pulling that knife out." Thalberg insisted.

"I shall not take my life, but I must demonstrate my penitence by removing scales from my back."

"Really now..."

Mong Ho now entered the room and the conversation. "Duke is gone! We find him now!"

Thalberg sighed. It was no wonder Thomas had entrusted him not to tell anyone where he had gone.

Oren walked down the road from the keep through Lorland. He happened to spy his friend, Jesse the Roo, hard at work in the field. "For one who can survive on grass," he shouted. "You sure work hard to keep those vegetables growing!"

Jesse looked up and smiled. "Well, you know, my family can't live on grass."

"How are you doin', bouncy?" called the otter, his voice dropping with proximity. When he reached Jesse, he knelt down and pulled a weed out of the ground.

"MY WEED!" shouted the kangaroo, who subsequently spun around and planted an oversized foot into Oren's solar plexis. The otter did his best to roll with it, flipping completely over and rolling back to his feet.

"Oof!" he coughed. "Your weed." He handed the plant to Jesse. "You nut."

"Yes, thank you... I'm very protective of my vegetables, and that includes my weeds and my flowers. Anyway, I'm just wonderful, how are you?"

"I have a huge pawprint on my vest."

"Er... sorry. Instinct reaction."

Oren sat down on a rock. He flashed a puzzled look as he did so. He thought he'd taken all the rocks from here. "To tell you the truth," he said. "I'm a little discouraged."

Jesse balanced playfully on his toes. "Oh? Whatever about?" he asked.

"I need an education, and I can't find anyone to teach me."

"I can... try... to help, depending on what it's in."

"Well, I know nothing of the world beyond Hipocc. No history, no geography... for sure no magic. Half the time, I can't even understand people because your northern accents are so foreign to me."

"In all honesty, you've got the accent. Or at least that's how some perceive it."

"Mmm... true. A lot of people think I'm a native until they listen to me for a while. But there are those instances... like when Dana asked me for a flyslat... took me forever to figure out that she meant a torch."

Jesse laughed. "True, there is a good deal of slang in some dialects... I suggest living among the group you want to learn. Live with them for a while."

Oren sighed and cast his gaze back toward the keep. "I'm trying." he said. "I feel so out of place sometimes. I haven't even gone through my change yet."

"The change? Oh, that's right. You were half-otter before Metamor, weren't you?

"Mm hmm."

Jesse sighed thoughtfully. "Maybe you could teach yourself."

"How so?"

"Lorland has a rather sizeable library, now. We inherited a noteworthy collection of books from the foul lord. You could read through the books you want and collect the information you want on your own."

"I suppose I could, at that. I don't know how well that would work, though."

"Couldn't hurt. Oh, by the way, I got an extra copy of the sheet music for "Cathedral Bells". You want one?"


"Hang on. I'll grab it from the house."

Charles observed his small friend as they made their way across the keep to the market. Busy or no, one had to eat. While Gornul flitted from eave to eave, savoring the smell of breads, meats, cheeses and fruits, Charles took a moment to look the dragon over and see how his wounds were healing. The arrow wounds were just about gone, and the tail was back in working order. He seemed to be rebounding resiliently.

Charles turned his attention to his own hand. The palm still hurt when he flexed it, but it was showing every sign of returning to normal by the week's end.

Gornul returned to the rat's shoulder with two sample cubes of white cheese. He gave one to his friend, who popped it in his mouth and savored the smooth, succulent taste. The samples did their job well. They'd convinced him that he had to buy some.

He paused for a moment, just taking everything in. Good food, fresh air, tasty cheese, a million wonderful smells, and a happy dragon at his side. Life, when one stopped to experience it, was good.

He was jolted out of his reverie by the running footsteps of a rooster in a red robe. "Duke Hassan!" yelled the bird. "Duke Hassan!" As he ran by, he accidentally bumped Charles. The rat reflexively stepped back, not realizing that directly behind him was a vendor of Whelch roast. He bumped the wall of the raised firepit, causing his dragon friend to lose his balance and go sailing backward into the fire.


The dragon crawled out of the firepit with only minor burns on his ears and fingers.

"Thank Eli you're all right!"

The cook who was tending the roast laughed out loud. "Mister Rat, don't you know? Dragons, they is fireproof!"

Matthias cradled the now very warm dragon carefully and looked down the street. Why was that rooster running around like his head had been cut off and yelling for the Duke?

Oren was absolutely amazed when he saw the library. Though it was actually a converted barn, it was clean and well lit, and sat upon a neatly kept lawn where the people of Lorland came and went, and sat upon the grass or on benches reading books and scrolls, or in more frequent cases, being read to.

It was amazing what these people could do for themselves once they realized that they were free. Between their own desires to better themselves and Duke Hassan's obvious interest in investing in human (or near-human) capital, he saw great things in Lorland's future.

Over against the side of the library Oren spotted a familiar kilted figure sitting next to a fully morphed otter. He was reading out of one of the newer children's books, apparently teaching the otter the ABC's.

"Hello there, Brad."

The man in the kilt looked up and smiled. "Oren! Pleasant day to you."

"G'day, Mister Oren!" said the smaller otter.

"Interesting literature?"

"Oh yes! I'm teaching Barney, here, all about reading and writing."

"Yes, yes!" Barney enthused. "I want to write a book telling all about how to take care of fish. It's all in the water, you know. Most people don't know that."

Oren brightened. "You teach? I wonder... would you be willing to take another student?"

Bradfox laughed. "Sure, if you're interested in learning the alphabet. I'm afraid that between guard duty, astronomy, and Barney, here, I don't have much time for anything else."

"Oh. Okay."

Barney returned his attention to the book. "F is for... That's a carp! F is for carp!"

Oren went inside and found himself a nice big book about the countries of the world. Checking it out, he returned to the lawn where he sat down and began reading. As he went, he began composing a lively song with the names of the all the various lands to help him commit them to memory. As he read, though, he found his gaze wandering to a vaguely equine figure hidden beneath a cape and a hood (odd for such a warm day) sitting in the shadow of a brimming elm reading from a book of poetry.

Finally, when his curiosity had gotten the better of him, he went over and said hello.

"Hello." replied the cloaked equine, not lifting his gaze.

Oren immediately recognized the voice. "Your Grace?"

Thomas looked up with a countenance of disappointment. It was the Duke, all right.

"Begging your pardon your Grace, but if you don't mind my asking, what brings you all the way out here? Unaccompanied? And what happened to your hair?"

Thomas sighed. "No one is supposed to know I'm here. I just HAD to get out of the palace for a little while. Those three Os-Var-Khaians were driving me absolutely up the wall."

"I see." replied Oren. His thoughts drifted back to outings he used to have with his father when the two of them just had to escape the frustrations of life for a day.

"What brings you out here?" asked the Duke.



"I'm trying to teach myself, since no one seems to be willing to teach me."


"Everyone is so busy."

Thomas nodded. "It has been a very busy time at Metamor for everyone. In fact, I can't remember any time when so many tried to accomplish so much in so little time."

Oren sat down and got comfortable. He and the Duke talked for some time about life at the Keep, about this and that, about whatever came to mind. As they spoke, Oren began to realize something. The Duke, while perhaps the most admired man at Metamor, was still just a man like everyone else. In spite of his hooves and muzzle, and in spite of his rings and titles, Duke Hassan was a man like any other, and like any other, he needed a friend to talk to.

"Tell me something." said Thomas at one point. "When you gave me that darkman's head after killing it... is that something your people normally do?"

Oren chuckled. "Did I gross you out?"

"No! Well, maybe a little."

"To tell you the truth, no one's done it for many years, but I thought you'd want to give it to your mages to study."

"I see. I did, of course."

"Yes. And, well... I also wanted to impress you."

Thomas nodded.

"I guess I was thinking more of myself than the man I was trying to please."

Thomas let out a nickergiggle. "Now you're sounding like the Os-Var-Khaians."

Oren thought for a moment. "Perhaps I could share with those three what I learned from that."

"If you could get the message through, I would tutor you myself."

"Oh, no need for that, your Grace."

The Duke looked around. "There's no one here to impress or act proper for." he said. "Call me Thomas."

Oren smiled. "Okay, Thomas."

"I mean it. I could spare you a few minutes a day to help you out in the social studies. It's also within my power to insure that Charles and Phil can spare a few minutes as well."

"Oh, but Thomas..."

"Tut tut! I'm the Duke, aren't I? What good is being the Duke if you can't help someone once in a while. Besides, it will be more than a fair trade if you can get Ye, Mong Ho and Desuka to calm down!"

The first thing Oren did after his conversation with the Duke was to fish out the only book which the library had containing any information on Os-Var-Khai. He read:


Os-Var-Khai. A minor empire situated on the large eastern island of Khumar. It is composed of five semi-autonomous city- states; Os Na, Os Su, Var, Khai Hon and Khai Or.

The central government of Os-Var-Khai can best be described as a theocracy. It is headed by an emperor who is also the head of an order devoted to learning about the creator of the universe through the study of science and magic. It is said that the entire ruling body of Os-Var-Khai has subjected themselves to different types of bodily transformation on the belief that assuming the forms of animals, etc. allows them a wider perspective, thus allowing them to learn more about the creator.

Philosophies of government also differ drastically from those in the west. These people hold to the belief that he who serves is greater than he who is served, with the emperor being the servant of the entire empire.


"That's it!"

Oren walked into the servants' quarters and bowed low to the three orientals who stood there fretting among themselves. Gornul, who rode on Oren's shoulder, also inclined his head.

"May we help you, young sir?" asked Desuka.

"A pleasant afternoon to you." said Oren in a remarkable approximation of the Khumari accent. He held his bow until it was returned, and then stood upright. "I am Oren, and I come to you on behalf of the Duke."

"Duke all right?" piped Mong Ho excitedly.

"The Duke is quite all right. Physically anyway."

"Whatever do you mean?" Ye inquired.

"The Duke is much too kind a man to say this, but it truly must be told. He left the keep today, telling only Thalberg where he was going, for the simple reason that the three of you were driving him bonkers."

"What mean 'bonker'?" asked Mong Ho.

Oren circled a claw around his ear in a universal gesture. At this, Mong Ho rose to his feet. "How you dare...!"

Ye put out a hand and begged the rooster be seated again. "Why does our lord feel this way?"

"May I be frank?"

"Speak honestly." said Desuka.

"You three are trying much too hard to please the Duke. In fact, I have to wonder at your motives. Are you truly interested in serving, or do you seek to elevate yourselves?"

Mong Ho jumped up once again. "SAKE WA DOKO DESU KA!" he shouted.

"What did he say?"

"He says he needs a drink." Desuka explained. "Please continue, Mister Oren."

"You seek to gain honor through serving. This is no mystery to me. In my homeland, it was much the same. The one who served most was the greatest among us. Unfortunately, it is much too easy to pursue one's own glory as a servant and forget that serving is a privilege.

Mong Ho clattered around some bottles and proclaimed "Aso, sake wa doko desu." as he poured himself a glass of wine.

"I present to you my faithful Gornul." said the otter as he brought the blue dragon down from his shoulder. Gornul produced an image of an arrow and a question mark.

"Yes, you. I never asked Gornul to be my servant. Really, he isn't in any official capacity. But he has a servant's heart. He never pushes anything on me. He simply does his best to meet whatever needs come up."

"That what we do."

"I beg to differ. How long were you here before you started changing things?"

"One day."

"One day. Less, in fact. You had no time to see what actually needed to be done. The truth is, you needed to do very little to be the best you could be."

"But... but..." sputtered the rooster.

"I believe Oren may speak the truth." said Desuka.

"And I want you to notice some things. Look at this." He lifter Gornul's wing. "Arrow wounds. A smashed tail. Burnt fingers. This little guy has suffered a lot for Duke and country, but you won't hear him complain."

Gornul sent Oren a private image explaining that the tail and the fingers were accidents. Oren made a quick shushing noise.

"It behooves us to act upon the otter's advice." said Ye.

"I agree." said the panda. "Oren, we wish to learn to be the type of servants Duke Hassan requires. Can you teach us?"


"But you..."

"I'm not going to because I've already made arrangements for others to teach you. Gornul will help when he can, as will my good friend Rupert. However, the bulk of your lessons will be conducted by schoolmaster Thalberg.


"I know you've met him. Green guy? Scaly? Runs the palace?"

"We have met him." said Ye.

"He IS the steward, after all."

Desuka bowed to Oren. "We thank you for bringing these matters to our attention. Will you accept a gift as a token of our appreciation for your efforts?"


The panda produced a basket of white fruit.

"Snow plums! These are almost impossible to pick without running into lutins. How did you get them?"

A smile crossed Mong Ho's beak as he explained. "We come across sea with ship full of large sailors. On way here we stop on north shore giantdowns. Pick many cold weather fruits."

Oren offered a plum to Gornul, who stuck out his tongue and clutched his stomach.

"No? You loved these when a patrol brought some back last month."

"Maybe he hear story bout how fruit gots little tiny trolls inside." said the rooster, who broke into laughter the moment he said it.

"One other matter." said Ye before Oren left. "You are the owner of the tower to the East?"

"I am."

"We have been seeking a quiet, isolated place to conduct our worship of the creator. Your people call him Eli, I believe."

"Some of us do."

"We were hoping to use the ground floor as a place of worship, with your permission."

"By all means. My tower is your tower."

Oren bowed and saw himself out the door. There were still several hours left in the day. He'd go and take a stroll before returning home for the night. Tomorrow would be a big day, and he needed all the relaxation he could get.

He had no idea that he was about to take a stroll that would change his life forever.